clix - 1. Concept of Health
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How do diseases reach us?

First let’s think, how do these external agents reach us? Do all external agents enter our body through the same route or do they take different routes?

  To understand various routes of disease let’s do a small activity.
Make a list of diseases that are mentioned in your textbook. Now, think about how these diseases reach us? Use the body outline given below to write the names of the diseases near the body part through which they reach us.


Let’s take ‘cold’ as an example. Through which body part does it reach your body?

We can get cold if someone sneezes or coughs near our nose or mouth. Hence we can say that it reaches us through our nose or mouth.


Similarly think of routes of all the diseases in your list. You can use your textbook for help.

Are there some diseases that you have not been able to mark on the body outline?

Discuss in groups to think how do we get these diseases.


[Contributed by administrator on 14. März 2018 19:58:41]


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